So a little history "Winston's Tail" is the presumed predecessor to the very similar "Tail Stretcher" that BD (Bad Dragon) used to carry. They both are very similar to one another but the original Tail Stretcher however was significantly less textured. I can't really tell you much more than that seeing as the product was discontinued some time ago and actual info on it is scarce, apparently even the Way-Back Machine didn't have a usable backup for me to reference off of. ("Way Back Machine" is a site that archives other sites through out time so you can still view sites that may no longer be up, or allow you to see how the site has evolved over time.)
I bought my Winston Tail back in October 2014, on a whim. It was a stock item that was without defects. It was listed as a "Rogue Color" and the photo that was provided was this one (There was a tad problem there that I will clarify later on.)
(This was the photo BD provided on the product page)
I used the site to order so things were easy as usual, it took about a week to get shipped out. (Just as a note this was before BD introduced it's "Next day or it's free policy" on it's stock toys.)
This toy as like all Bad Dragon products is made with high quality Platinum Cure silicone, that is odor resistant, has high tear resistance and can be easily sanitized by boiling it, a mild bleach solution, or by putting it in the dishwasher.
My particular model is soft in firmness and the Extra Large size. Here's the cool part if you might not know about Bad Dragon, almost all of their toys come in 3-5 sizes (Mini, Small, Medium, Large, XL) to cater to all levels of user's, and you can also order in 3 different firmnesses.
(Here is a table they provide on the product page Giving the specific measurements for this toy at various sizes.)
Well actually they also have 2 other options on some toys which are split firmnesses where you can either get the base of the toy cast in Hard firmness silicon then the shaft cast in soft also called a "Wide Split." Or you can get the Base cast in Hard and the shaft in medium which is known on their site as a "Firm Split."
So in reality they have 5 firmnesses in all which is a pretty cool selection. They also have more customization options like Cumtubes and suction cups but they aren't applicable to this specific model of toy so I wall have to talk about them more in a different review.
But one other thing you can do is pick your own color options either from a pre-selected pattern or you can attempt to have them make custom patterns, of course I couldn't do that as I had a ordered one that was already made.
First Impressions: Okay first impressions are important, the issue was with this toy was mine was not good... Now why is that might you ask..? Well the silicone was nice to the touch, the texture exquisite looking... And the taper enticing... But... There was one very notable color defect that was not shown in the photograph they used to sell the toy.
(Picture of the defect.)
On the tip of the tail their was a splotch of a rather unpleasant "Hard Boiled Egg Yolk" yellow that bled through the white that the tail was supposed to be. This obviously was from the bellies yellow highlight color.
(Another photo.)
This struck me disappointed because this was originally supposed to be a gift to a friend and from the picture Bad Dragon posted the defect is almost completely invisible. But before you get the wrong idea about Bad Dragon please keep reading...
(Top down Photo.)
Contacting Bad Dragon: Well the thing was I found out pretty quickly that my friend had already acquired their own toy and as such no longer needed this one so I just decided to hang onto it myself. But before this had occurred I had already contacted Bad Dragon and explained the situation and how that I was bothered by the particular photograph they used to sell this toy.
The representative I talked to who's name I will keep discretionary basically told me "The color that it was listed as was "Rouge Color" so in reality it could of been anything... But we apologize for your dissatisfaction and as such I have granted you 25$ store credit to help make things right." (This is only a summarization as we went back and forward over a few messages.)
That was pretty cool of them to do as a company, and though they never directly apologized for the picture being misleading... What I saw come out of it next was almost as good...
Basically upon checking the site from there on after and looking at their "Adoption" page which is what they call their page for ready made toys... I saw pictures of other Winston's Tails that had the same type of color defect as mine.
But that's the key thing, the pictures actually slowed the color defect plain as day. Some of them would even have photos of multiple angles if one didn't quite cover it sufficiently. That in my opinion was amazing because the company took a complaint from a customer such as myself and made changes accordingly to more accurately serve their customers, and insure better satisfaction!
Not very many companies will do that for you. And as such I felt very satisfied with their customer service and very happy to do business with them again.
Second Look: Well basically because of that whole situation I couldn't actually use the toy in case I needed to send it back so It just sat around for a few days in preparation of it's fate. But seeing as things were resolved by Bad Dragon without issue it was time to actually have some fun with it.
(Tail next to bottle.)
As I mentioned before the toy has quite a bit of texture and very nice taper that is meant to help train you to take larger toys down the line hence its predecessor's name the "Tail Stretcher." Now I won't lie I thought a tapered toy like this wouldn't really be that interesting to use as I tend to prefer toys that have "Knots" on them, but this toy actually was pleasantly surprising to use and more than passed my expectations for it!
(Close up of the Tails Tip and Texture.)

(A picture from Bad Dragon of a knotted toy called Nocturne. A knot is a bulge at the base of a toy that basically locks the toy into place after you pass a certain depth threshold.)
Let me get into the meat of this then, I lubed up my toy and my butts entrance. I lined up and pressed the tip in slightly. What I found was because of the narrow tip of the Winston's Tail it took very little resistance to actually get it in. That probably makes a bunch of sense though I mean the tip is literally almost nothing in diameter after all, but still during initial penetration the sphincter tends to reject any and all penetration and tighten up...
This toys seems to have just the right taper to it though that it can push it's way in easily and not cause the sphincter muscle to clamp down and cause unnecessary resistance that more blunt toys or objects might.
(A nice side shot of my Toy.)
But here's the first surprising thing, even though the tip of the tail is very small it was also very stimulating going in. I think that might actually be in part because of how small it was, the tip seemed to almost tickle a bit but in a good way. This is contrary to just a blunt pressure you get from most toys, so basically this toy provided a new stimulation type I was not used to and with a good effect.
(It should be mentioned though mine is in soft firmness, hard firmness might be more pokey than pleasurable. I haven't tried one in a harder firmness so I can't say for certain though.)
As I continued to work my way down I could In fact feel a stretching sensation that presumably it's predecessor was named after. It was gradual, but of course became more intense the farther I worked my way down. And the taper is subtle enough that at no point during use did I experience any pain.
It wasn't until I got about 3/4 of the way down did I feel a real good stretch though, but that is simply because I am very experienced with large toys already. After about the 3/4 point though man things got good, you know how when you first wake up in the morning and you stretch your muscles and it just feel so good to do so?
That's how I would describe this sensation, the stretch just felt so good and not once displeasurable... And before I knew it I had reached the bottom... 13 inches in circumference, holy cow... The size that tends to push it for me is around 10, so I guess this toy did and amazing job doing what it is supposed to eh?
(It's taper is enticing, that is for sure...)
Well possibly contrary to what it's supposed to be used for that was the only toy I needed for that session, It definitely impressed me.
(Once again my toy is an extra large and they offer these toys in 4 sizes, so you shouldn't be intimidated.)
(The nice subtle texture on it helps lube stick to the toy better, leading to smoother play.)
Final Thoughts:
-Because of its texture it does like to hold lube better than completely smooth toys, which is good.
-The shipping was about average but that was before Bad Dragon started shipping stock toys next day.
-I was disappointed by the misleading picture they chose to sell the toy.
-But they well made up for it after I contacted them via their customer support system.
-Silicon toys can be cleaned easily by Boiling, using a Dishwasher, or a Weak Bleach Solution.
-Silicon tends to attract hair and lint like a magnet. (But once again can just be thrown in the dishwasher to clean...)
-The packaging form BD is always nicely done with Tissue Paper and their new custom bags that really catch the eye.
-Amazing Stretch Trainer
-More efficient than buying Several Stretching Toys.
-Can order in custom Hardnesses, Sizes and Colors.
-Made from High Quality, Easy to Clean and Odorless Silicon.
-Holds lube on it well.
-Customer service was Swift and Polite.
-Easy going in.
-My toy had a color defect on it that was hard to see in the pic they provided.
-Shipping was about average to a little on the long side for companies selling stock items at the time.
(One last pic :)
Though it might not be my most used Toy in the Box, it definitely has earned it's spot as a permanent resident. Great for warm ups, or just getting that stretch other toys fail to sate. I say it's worth about 4 stars, out of five.
There you have it, my 100% honest opinion of this toy. As a heads up I paid full price for this toy and this review is not sponsored by the company in any way. Thank you for reading!
Awesome review thanks! I've really been wanting to pick up one, I am glad you had some many pics of it looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you liked it :)
DeleteNo problem friend!