Friday, July 7, 2017

Pros & Cons Different Lubes, and What I Like.

What is My Recommended Lube to Use (J-Lube)

 Hello, Randy here...

  With so many lubricants out there a good question to ask is "Which one is best..?" Well I can't tell you that specifically as it comes a lot to personal opinion. But what I can tell you is my personal recommendation as to what I think is best by far.

 So in this article I will tell you the pros and cons of one of my favorite Lubricants "J-Lube." This will be written from a male perspective and will NOT contain any inappropriate photos. I will also briefly go over the possibility and possible complications for females using this for vaginal use.

 Additionally I'll briefly go over a few different types of other lubricants out there, let us get to it then.

Types of Lubes:

-Water Based: Possibly one of the most common and recognized types of lubricants out there, water based lubes are what you typically find if you buy stuff like Ky or Liquid Silk. (Though you should always search for it on the label...) Water based lubes are typically safe for use with ALL condom types.

 Water based lubes might be most common but they still have a few downfalls, such as Drying out quick... Many contain Glycerin which can lead to possible yeast infection if used vaginally... And typically having use of potentially cancerous Biocides (Toxic Preservatives) like Parabans.

Though take note, that is not always the case as some types use stuff other than Glycerin, have Slower drying formulas and do not use dangerous preservatives. If you are not sure it is always good to read up on the ingredients the manufacturer use.

(An example of a popular water based lube brand, Picture from their website)

 -Oil Based: Possibly one of the best/worst lubes out there for a few reasons... Oil based lubes tend to be a lot longer lasting then water based alternatives and can really hold up during shower play due to Oil's Hydrophobic tendencies (Aka it repels water...) Where water based lubes tend to wash off...

 Also for this same reason your body is slower to absorb it meaning once again it stays lubricating longer. This is great for slower use and bigger insertions especially anally. This is more true if you use a very "Thick" product like Vaseline or even special products like "Boy Butter." The thicker viscosity helps a lot, as when something is a tight fit water based lubes tend to want to be "Pushed Out" of high pressure areas leading to "Dry Spots" in the area where you need the lube most.

 Thicker oil lubes however will "Cling" to those areas better and help prevent those "Dry Spots" from occurring. However like water based lubes there are quite a few cons... One such being is oil based lubes do not lube as well as water based (Slickness wise) they do work once again for slower/bigger insertions... But if you are using an oil based lube and really going at it, you'll feel quite a bit of friction still and the heat generated during use might get uncomfortable...

 Also possibly one of the worst consequences of oil based lubes is they are NOT typically safe for most condom types especially Latex as the oils can cause the rubber to rapidly degrade and break. That is most definitely not something you want.

 Though still oil based lubes CAN be safe for both Vaginal and Anal use, but just as Water (H2O) is safe to drink but Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) can be deadly to consume... Oil based lube's safety can very drastically based on which type you use...

 For both Anal and Vaginal use Coconut Oil, Vitamin E. Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Almond Oil and Olive Oil are all typically thought as safe. For Anal use only, Vaseline is typically thought of as safe, but if used vaginally it can coat the walls of the Vagina trapping bacteria under it and potentially causing infections.

 And things like Peanut Oil, Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, or other Cooking oils should not be used at all as many of them are comedogenic meaning they can clog pores and cause breakouts or unpleasant health complications if for example they clog up Mucus Secreting Membrane like Mucosa in either the Vagina or the Intestines.

 Plus they don't tend to have any Antibacterial or Antimicrobial Properties that most "Healthier" oils posses. Contrary they can actual provide food for bacteria to feed on further exacerbating possible issues.

(Picture from Wikimedia Creative Commons Collection.)

 -Silicone Based: Silicone based lubes are sorta the power house of the lube world... They do not actually contain any water in them and they can not really be absorbed by our bodies meaning they stay "Wet" for a very long time... This is great for extended play, and many out there swear by Silicone Based lubes, best of all they are typically latex condom safe!!

 However Silicone based lubes come with a dark side too... First off the lubes are quite new and have very little info on their safety or ingredients which makes it hard to tell how "Safe" the might be... But conspiracies aside there are some more obvious critiques...

 For example, Silicone based lube CANNOT be used with silicone toys... They will break down the toy rather quick and leaves it surface a sticky mess ripe for bacterial growth!!  Also another thing about silicone lubes is they are a nightmare to clean up afterwards, they are hydrophobic much like oil lubes but don't break down in contact with soap like oil ones tend to do.

 But even still that is some rather minor stuff given how much "Bang for the Buck" they give you!!

(Popular Silicone Based lube, image from KY website.)

 What do I like?:

 Well that is why I am writing this article after all correct..? I'll just come out and say it... My favorite lube so far I have used has been "J-Lube..." Now the thing is it's not something you are going to likely find in a local sex shop... (Though ironically enough you might find it in a local Farm Supplies Store...)

 Why..? Because it is not made to be used as a sexual lubricant, though before you panic it is made to be used as a internal lubricant and is body safe. What J-Lube is meant for is use as a Animal Birthing Lube, though this might sound nasty it is simply a lube to help a horse or cow give birth easier by helping lubricate the vaginal canal.

 Or even sometimes it is used during the artificial insemination process... And let me tell you this stuff is the slipperiest thing you may ever have to good fortune to use... It is a basic formula of Polyethylene Glycol, and a Dispersing Agent (Sucrose aka Sugar.)

(Picture of  J-Lube Bottle being Held.)

 So what makes it so great..? Well as I already said it is ungodly slippery, and cheap too!!

 Yes, so little as 15$ of J-Lube powder can make 6-8 gallons of lube. You heard me right GALLONS!! Though I tend to mix it up a fair bit thicker so I'll get about 2 gallons of extremely slick lube for 15$ which is a steal!

 The thing that makes this lube so great too aside from its absurdly cheap price is the fact that it you can mix it how you want it! Like a little thinner lube..? Add more water or less powder... 

(J-Lube Mixed thin, about 1Tbsp powder to a cup of water)

 Want it to be so absurdly thick it has the same consistency as slime covering the Extraterrestrials in the Alien movie franchise..? You can do that too, add more powder or less water! (Interestingly enough J-Lube used to be used to make slime for movie sets though often times it led to injuries due to its extremely slippery quality leading to hazardous [Though Comedic] work environments... Especially if it spilled on the floor somewhere...)

(J-Lube mixed up extremely thick, about 3-4Tbsp per cup of water.)

 "So it's cheap, customizable, good quality... Okay what's the catch!?"

 Okay... I will admit you got me there... Even though I think this is the best Lube I've ever used for both price and performance... It still has its downfalls...

 For one it is still technically a water based lube meaning it'll dry up quicker then Oil or Silicon and will tend to wash off during shower play. However there is a major exception to this... The thicker you mix this lube the longer It'll stay wet and the more water repelling It'll become.

 When it has been mixed rather Viscous it can handle several minutes under decently hot water and still be ready for more... In fact it can be almost impossible to wash off your hands it'll cling so much... That might be a concern to many as cleanup would be a pain then, but some simple table salt causes the lube to break down and wash away easily which is a saving grace.

(Clean up instructions mentioning salt.)

 Another potential downfall is that it either has to be mixed up every time before use or premixed stuff froze in between uses. That is because this lube has no preservatives in it meaning if mixed with water it can potentially grow bacteria if left idle for a time. This is good for people who don't want preservatives in contact with their sensitive regions, but bad for those who might need some lube right this second for instant play...

 Now a few things here, I have personally left the lube out for a few days and not had issue with any growth or foul smell and I have heard others doing so for months with similar results. However at least from my situation I mix mine up pretty thick, and in a situation like this a really thick mixture will probably have better staying power than a thin mix.

 You might think this weird but truth be told bacteria molds and other microbes like a sweet spot, if something is too concentrated it will often times slow or completely inhibit it from growing. That's why for example during beer brewing they add a very specific amount of sugar, if they add too much the yeast might die off and too little the yeast can starve.

 Another example of concentration inhibiting microbes is Jam, or honey. Both of which are almost pure sugar so both will stay good for almost ever. However if you mixed a small bit of it in a glass of water and let it sit for awhile it would grow some pretty nasty stuff as you lowered the sugar concentrations and made a better environment for Microbes to grow... (Also raw sap from a maple will turn rancid in a day, but when concentrated to a syrup can last years...)

 Because the dispersing agent in J Lube is sucrose, that means the higher concentrations the better it can stay (In theory...) Lower the concentrations the more likely something might grow that you don't want if it is left in a warm environment for several days.

(Shot with the ingredients on it, nothing special.)

 But here is what I like to do to remove any risk, mix up a nice batch of J-Lube and freeze it in a lube bottle or other inconspicuous bottle. When I want to use it I simply thaw it about a half an hour before use by setting it in a bowl of hot water. Alternatively you can thaw it quicker by running it under hot water from your spout.

 J-lube can also be used right there and then by simply wetting a toy and sprinkling on a bit of the powder and dispersing it by hand. This is a good option but not as good in my mind as having stuff premixed up.

 Anyways this brings us to the potential last downfall of J-Lube, because it does contain sugar it might not be the best choice for Vaginal use... Particularly woman who have problems with either Yeast Infections or Frequent UTIs.

 Now does that mean if you are a woman and want a good Vaginal lube that is cheap and extremely effective you should look elsewhere? Not necessarily...

 You see though this can be a problem for certain individuals as mentioned above, there literally hundreds if not thousands of woman who use it vaginally for years without issue. Some individuals just seem predispositioned to have issues with it while still many do not. 

 So it still might be worth a shot if you want to give it a try.

(How the Powder actually looks.)

 In Conclusion:

 -J-Lube is extremely cheap, and can be mixed up to your perfect viscosity.
-Has some amazing staying power during use if mixed up thick.
-Can be cleaned up easy with some table salt which destabilizes the polymers in J-lube making it like water.
-No preservatives which some people might like.

 -Has to be mixed before use, or mixed and frozen then thawed before using as it doesn't have preservatives in it. Can be sprinkled on a wetted toy alternatively though.
-Has sugar in it as a dispersing agent, so Vaginal use may cause Yeast infections or UTIs in certain predispositioned individuals. Many woman however can use it without issue's.

 Thanks for reading my review and I hope you all have a wonderful evening, please also drop a comment if you found this helpful or have any questions. Thanks again!